Well, the thing is that if you get chickenpox was older person it is much more serious, and there is shingles vaccine too.
I’m actually fine that my parents did it, it seems like there’s upper age for the vaccine so I wouldn’t be eligible, so it was either that or trying to be lucky and not catching it while being older.
Was still pretty dumb, because now they have shingles for the rest of their lives. Just laying in wait for the right moment to strike lol
Well, the thing is that if you get chickenpox was older person it is much more serious, and there is shingles vaccine too.
I’m actually fine that my parents did it, it seems like there’s upper age for the vaccine so I wouldn’t be eligible, so it was either that or trying to be lucky and not catching it while being older.
There was not a shingles vaccine back when “chicken pox parties” were a thing
Chpx vaccine only came out in 1995. Anyone before that had the virus already.