Also for who listed Love, Actually as another possible setting that required Gowron’s presence
Elements taken from TNG s3e17 “Sins of the Father”, DS9 s7e22 “Tacking Into The Wind” and the prop glove from Worf’s holodeck calisthenics program
When he was refused his heart broke … but his second heart reminded him to pick up his bat’leth and seek revenge.
I told ya, Gowron fits in everything.
I figured Love, Actually would be the tougher of your examples. Didn’t take too long, but haven’t landed on anything for BTTF yet.
I really enjoy that Love actually was the easier one, also that’s the exact scene I imagined him in as well.
I’ve done some other work with BTTF, so I didn’t want to retread the same ideas. Took a minute, but got one sorted now.
Like Guile’s theme. Oh no, this give me an idea…
This is amazing. Can we make every Valentine’s Day about Gowron?