Well, I was planning to Medieval Dynasty on PS5, with a friend, but due to PSN outage, couldn’t do that. So, went back to playing Tomb Raider

Played quite a bit of Rise of the Tomb Raider, mostly focused on main story, though did any side stuff I came across, without going out of the way to search for all of them.

Not much new to say about it. Story seems to be nearing end, but I can be often wrong about these, so let’s see. Unless Medieval Dynasty took too much of time, would try to finish this over the weekend.

Started Metroid Prime: Remastered, playing this as my primary game.

It’s fun to play as Samus Arun in a 3D / First Person game. Game is very good, with the usual Nintendo polish, though it does feel dated in some aspects, mainly the map. There is no way to mark anything in the map, and it only shows you doors, so if you come across some blocked or unreachable passage, you can forget where it was. There are multiple such places that I remember seeing somewhere but now that I have the upgrades required, I don’t know where they were.

This also means, it’s not always clear where to go next.

Another thing is that doors require different weapons to open, it makes sense for the first time, but you need to that everytime, so when going back and forth, you often have to keep changing your weapons to open door, then change it to fight the enemies, then change it again to open the next door. It’s not a big deal, but still a minor complaint.

That aside, I am enjoying the game, the visuals, sound and gameplay itself is good. I have gotten all visors and weapons (got the last one just a little while ago), there are probably still some other stuff left to get.

I hope they release Prime 2 and 3 remastered too. Would love to play the whole trilogy before Prime 4 drops.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

  • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
    26 days ago

    It’s always nice when a game respects your time. And it’s great to see the advances and improvements people are making in the genre. Would love to (eventually) play both Ender games.

    I have heard about Rabi-Ribi. Just looking at the screenshots I may have ignored the game, but have heard good things about it. They made another similar game after it TEVI, and are apparently working on a direct sequel to Rabi-Ribi now.

    • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      It’s always nice when a game respects your time.

      Definitely. And while writing that I was thinking that main I issue I have with Fantasian is that a lot of things in the second half of the game feel designed in a way that wastes your time.

      High random battle frequency with low rewards, gimmicky bosses which you often have to fight twice, constant need to shuffle around in menus rebuilding your party with different skills/equipments to be able to work around those gimmicks.

    • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      Double-posting since I forgot to add this to my initial post, but I replayed Metroid Prime when the Switch port was released and I was quite impressed. Yeah, it has some outdated aspects like the map, but it’s kinda crazy how well it plays considering it’s more than 20 years old. The port is also really impressive, one of the best looking games on the console while also running smoothly at 60FPS.

      But my favorite thing about the game is the atmosphere. It nails perfectly the feeling of a lonely explorer in a wild, dangerous planet.

      • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
        25 days ago

        Agreed, even with the issues the game is a joy to play. That is why it makes me excited for next games in the series!