NPR is talking about Owls. Preview below
For people who don’t give a hoot about sports, there’s more than just football to celebrate this weekend.
Say hello to the Superb Owl.
A Milky Eagle Owl?! Nice!
The mixing of the themes with an owl on a football is delightful.
Not a sports person myself but I can see why people like them. I have also accidentally fallen into the baseball video pipeline on YouTube.
And they made it Saturday so nobody had to miss out on either the owls or the football if they like both.
Clicked a related link in that article.
“Just take a walk in nature, especially at dawn and dusk,” they said. “It’s currently [article posted February 11] flirting season for owls. So there are a lot of them out there making a lot of noise, either looking for love or trying to defend territory.”
I’ve been taking my walks midday-ish, to coincide with the hottest part of the day. It is winter, after all. I guess that’s why I haven’t seen any owls.
Probably good to note dawn and dusk are good times for ! too. Guess I should alter my walking patterns.
Same. It’s too cold for dawn or dusk