I basically just want to know what you’d wish for if you didn’t worry about others. So that’s the real question, but it’s not as catchy. Three wishes for something only for you. If it helps then assume all the other stuff resolves itself.
The rule is spirit of the law. If you wish for something that happens to help others, it’s fine, but if you wish for something with the goal of doing something good for anyone but you, then you’re turned into Elon Musks right thumb (you retain sentience and sapience, but you’re a thumb. No ability to do anything and you don’t control yourself, Elon does, you’re his thumb.)
Okay: Your mom is sick and you wish for her to be cured, because you would miss your mom.
Not okay: Your mom is sick and you wish for her to be cured because she doesn’t want to be sick.
And don’t try to rules lawyer it, the genie will get you for that too.
Also only three wishes, it’s a limitation on the genie, not a rule. It’s physically incapable of it. It cannot give you more than three wishes, nor can it be made into something that can do that, nor can it make something that can do that, nor can it make something that can turn it into something that can do that.
I wish that every species in the animal kingdom becomes immune to violence inflicted by humans.
I wish that humans can develop magical abilities that strengthen with their willingness to empathize with other living creatures.
I wish that everyone had the ability to learn the language of another person after a day of spending time with them.
you had one job!
Average communist who has claimed they’ve read Kapital
I’m using my wishes to turn the world into a magical setting and not setting myself up to be a healer, which I would do if magic existed and people were still fucking things up.
I wouldn’t say abysmal, but convoluted.
Would bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses be covered by your first point? Cus that could be a major problem
Basically I want magical powers and to see what kind of world we can have where caring about others is a superpower.
Fantastic! No longer thumb
Good wishes! Sadly you are now a thumb. The wishes are still granted though, so you’re the thumb of a vegan instead, which could be worse. And people will be able to learn your thumb language.