It seems there’s a lot of issues with planning an orgy, especially if you don’t know all the participants.
A lot of people opt out the last 24 hrs, several are either nervous or creepy, and many (especially ciswomen) seem to feel unsafe.
I’m thinking a lot of this is due to orgies being poorly planned and hosted.
What are your best tips for a good orgy? What do you appreciate at one?
- Gatorade
- Condoms
- Wet wipes
- Towels
- Hand sanitizer
- Lube
- Candles
- Puppy blankets
- A good playlist
- A nice charcuterie board
- Ice packs
- Heating pads
- Karate lessons
- Mouthwash
- Dental floss
- Viagra
- A referee
- Steel chairs and ladders
- Rope
- Karate lessons
- Steel chairs and ladders
For a second there I thought you didn’t know what you were talking about. Everyone always forgets these!
A lot of towels. Really a lot.
Better safe than icky.
The importance of a good buffet cannot be stressed enough.
No single men allowed. (Unless you’re holding a gangbang or a gay orgy.) Thirsty dudes will overwhelm your orgy. In general, you need to be a hetero couple, lesbian couple, or single woman to get into the swing scene. If you’re a gay man, and you have trouble finding gay orgies, there is probably something socially or physically bad wrong with you.
It’s a stereotype, but gay guys know how to party and don’t fuck around about fucking around.
See if there is a local swingers group on FetLife.
The best orgies just kind of spontaneously happen. You usually have to have a close knit core of friends. After parties for kink events and such.
Sharing Ecstasy/MDMA with close friends can make one happen.
Oh, and trim your fingernails.