for me its dragon ball z. i’ve always wanted a good 3d open world dbz action rpg kind of game, but it’s just never been done to its full potential. the closest we’ve gotten in my opinion is dragon ball z kakarot, which has great DBZ fighting game style fighting, and tries to incorporate it with an open world with rpg-light type features, but the world and rpg elements are just so uninspired and poorly done. they don’t really blend well with the fighting segments either, it feels like all of the ‘open world’ is more of just a 3d overworld with minigames

  • REgon [they/them]
    1 month ago

    I am yearning for a new rts and Dune has been a great well for that genre before. So that, but I need Tim Curry to do an fmv as baron harkonnen.

    I dunno otherwise. Maybe Avatar: the last airbender? Could have some neat rts potential too.

    Karl Marx Kapital and we turn it into a 4x that isn’t made by paradox.

    30 years war and it’s a total war style game.

    I love the SCP universe so something with that. I don’t have a lot of gamer buddies, so I could never get into that multiplayer one. I’ve tried lobotomy corporation, but it’s completely incomprehensible.

    I remember reading some absolute sci-fi slop at my dad’s place, that could be good for some fun games. The first was one where the moon was a spaceship and the protagonist was the only one that was allowed past it’s defenses for some reason. Cloak-and-dagger type thing and then it evolves into big picture galactic warfare.
    The other series was about a dumbfuck royal Scion, 3rd in line to the throne who miraculously survives an attempt on his life - His brothers weren’t so lucky. He is then stranded on a jungle planet alongside his personal army, they befriend the natives, teach them poker, have sex with the natives

    weird aside

    (who in this species are sort of an inverse version of our sexual propagation. What the humans consider to be “the women” (because they have wombs) don’t ovulate, because they have sperm cells. “The men” ovulate and can then inject an egg with an ovipositor.The author had some fetishes I assume.)

    When they finally get off planet they discover the royal house has been couped. They have to do some spycraft to save the empress. When that is done it turns into a big diplomatic game of winning over all the rebels and so on.

    Not fiction but a piece of history I wish was used for something: After WWII a european resistance cell consisting of a schoolteacher and her recent (adult) graduates went to Argentina and disappeared. This cell was responsible for the liquidation of several high-ranking Nazis. They were fueled in part due to the extra-judicial killing of 12 of their schoolmates, who, while being transported to a courthouse, were unceremoniously shot and dumped over a bridge by the SS. Imagine playing a game where you’re an elderly schoolteacher going HAM in Argentina hunting Nazis. Wolfenstein could never. It’d be like Turok but no conflicting emotions about killing cool dinos. You could become like The Predator.

    Monsters Inc and it’s a cooking mama style thing, but for making children cry.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      1 month ago

      30 years war and it’s a total war style game

      1648 is a weird mod for m2tw, they created star forts to play on but they don’t really work properly. more fundamentally the thirty years war, 17th century warfare worked differently than how total war has been conceived, a colunela1 was such a tightly-knit combined arms unit it cannot be micromanaged by weapon-type like total war units are conventionally. 1648 for m2tw and Pike and Shot for NTW therefore play like bootleg 18th century line battles which is simply not how the thirty years war should look, one would have to design autonomous unit ais that will manage missile-pike formations for the player, as well as complicated cavalry maneuvers like caracole—it would end up very unlike how total wars feel if it was done right.

      not that i don’t think it would be worthy/cool to do a 3d real time strategy pike-and-shot simulation, it just can’t be “total war” as it is currently thought of. also i’d be right pissed if someone went to the trouble and limited it to the thirty years war if you didn’t get to do the league of cognac, french wars of religion, 80 years war, english civil war… what would even be the point

      (E) 1: colunela was the basic missile-pike combination used in the early italian wars, lending its name to modern ‘colonel’, the tercio is a specific permutation regarding the apportionment of arms in the formation—and a particularly unhelpful term because many of what got called ‘tercio’ were not actually thirds!

      • REgon [they/them]
        1 month ago

        Yeah total war would have to be revamped to fit it. It might be more suited for a mount-and-blade type thing and the more I think about it the more I realise that would be so much radder. Imagine playing as a mercenary and working your way up like Götz of the iron hand.