Some of mine are: reading 52 books, going for a walk at least once a week, getting a new piercing, and doing my budgeting every week instead of waiting multiple weeks, etc etc

What’s everyone else’s? Maybe comrades with similar goals can be accountability buddies blob-no-thoughts

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Genuinely I need some discipline. When I was in a relationship it kind of kept me grounded, but when I’m single I tend to…. Slip. I have a pretty active job but I want to get back into swimming, try and make sure I eat a lil healthier, quit vaping again, cut back on drinking. Nothing crazy, just pull myself back into line a bit.

    I started therapy a couple of months back, I’m interested to see where that takes me this year.

    I just got approved to rent an apartment so I’ll be living alone (no family, housemate or partner - except my cat I guess lol) for the first time ever, so I’m kinda excited to make the place my own. I have almost no furniture so it’s a blank canvas. Although it will take me a while to get stuff because I have no money lol. On the same note I need to manage my finances a little better, try and finally finishing paying off my debt (I have maybe a thousand to go), maybe even god forbid start saving something.

    Plus I want to be more inspired and disciplined with my organising work. I’ve been doing it for five years now and in 2024 I felt so burned out, and so did the rest of the organisation tbh. I want to be a better comrade and hopefully enable my comrades to be better as well.

    So yeh, I’m not really setting huge unrealistic “resolutions”, but I just want to be a marginally improved person and communist. And a better friend tbh, some of my friendships stalled out last year, I’ve started to reconnect with some people.