This one could get interesting! We’ve got some undeniably to tier owls in both of the contests today. This one features 2 of the best North American owls, while the other are likely the 2 most ubiquitous on the planet.

First up, the owl that’s not afraid to get down and dirty. They’ll even collect dung to put at the entrance to the burrow to cover their own scent or to deter animals from entering. They also incidentally do us some big favors. Just by being there hungry little selves, a family of Burrowing Owls can eat almost 7000 bugs and 2000 rodents each year.

Up second, the king of the night skies, the Great Horned Owl. This mighty hunter gives nightmares to que a number of it nocturnal forest brethren. Even other raptors like Osprey, Peregrines, geese, and even just about any other owl can become dinner if they aren’t alert! They are the second most massive American owl, only the Snowy is heavier. What do they do with this size and power? The use it to hold down their turf. Average home range for a GHO is 1.5 square miles / 960 acres (3.6 sq km / 388 hectares). While a whole family of Burrowing Owls can eat 2000 mice a year, a single GHO can take 4000 squeakers out of action.

The little joker has a large and vocal fan base. Burrow is a charmer and has endless numbers of cute and funny photos. GHO on the other hand, is distinguished and classy looking during the day, but at night it mercilessly patrols the area it calls home. When Watchmen needed a version of Batman, there is a reason it was Nite Owl they went with. GHO is Bruce Wayne by day, but Batman of the forest by night!

Upvote your favorite owl now!

#superbowl #owloftheyear2024

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    I will not try to dissuade you, but this pic begs me to mention something.

    I avoid pics of babies and pics of more than one owl in choosing tournament pics. The babies look very different many times, and I feel it can be either an advantage or disadvantage how they look compared to an adult, so I stick with the adults.

    Multiple owls I treat as a bit of an unfair advantage. Of course we want to see owls hanging out together, but it’s not something most species do. Burrow is a great owl, but in a pic with three, we’re multiplying the cuteness factor. If those owls were apart in different photos doing the same things, they’d be 3 alright pics. But combine them, and now it’s waaaay cuter!

    But that is something a GHO just wouldn’t do as a typical owl that lives alone. Most owls don’t like other owls because they are equal competitors in a game of life and death. If you focused on a single Burrowing Owl vs a single GHO, does that impact your choice?

    To be fair, the social structure of Burrowing Owls is a typical characteristic they have, so one could just as easily say that makes their group behavior something that should be considered.

    That’s for you guys to decide, but it made me think of sharing some of the thoughts that go into how this contest is conducted.

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      3 months ago

      To be fair, the social structure of Burrowing Owls is a typical characteristic they have

      For me this is the selling point and the extra cuteness just the cherry. They also sometimes live with prairie dogs and, when threatened, will run into their burrow and pretend to be a rattle snake. Both very interesting… and undeniably cute.

      • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
        3 months ago

        Very fair.

        I think I mentioned the rattlesnake defense the last round. That is a pretty nifty trick!