ChatGPT use declines as users complain about ‘dumber’ answers, and the reason might be AI’s biggest threat for the future::AI for the smart guy?

    • daisy
      1 year ago

      It’s impossible for me to comprehensively summarise in a comment because everyone has different use cases.

      Personally, every new ‘project’ of mine requires a new chat. I first teach chatgpt-4 who I am, what I do, and how I want gpt-4 to assist me. Then I ask it to generate a project profile and to analyse documents using plugins.

      The key is to work step-by-step and develop a string of prompts. Once I’m happy gpt-4 understands the project, I ask it to draft an overview/outline using headings and subheadings.

      Lastly, I work on each section individually, ‘filling in’ the actual content. Then I edit and ask it to review problematic sections.

      Most people, as far as I can tell, seem to think it’s a single ask-and-answer process. It’s not. I often need to draft about 10 prompts – about 3000 words – in order to generate one 10 page document.

      I think the most important fundamental is to use templates. Pro tip: use gpt-4 to teach you how to develop your prompt templates.