in italiano: ci sono podcast in italiano che sono simili a chapo trap house o trashfuture? mi piace ascoltare podcast in italiano per praticare il mio italiano pero’ non riesco a trovarne uno che e’ neanche un po’ radicali/di sinistra. se devo continuare ad ascoltare il liberalismo di Il Mondo e La Reppubblica vado fare un’avventura

en francais: y a-t-il des podcasts en francais qui sont similaires à chapo ou à trashfuture? j’aime bien pratiquer mon francais en écoutant des podcasts mais j’arrive pas à en trouver un qui n’est pas hyyyyyyper libérale. si je dois continuer à écouter au Monde je vais [redacted]. ce qui m’intéresserait le plus serait un podcast sur l’afrique francophone

Death to America

  • glans [it/its]
    2 months ago

    I don’t have any recs for what you are asking for but if you are flexible/desperate how about there:

    Maybe librivox audiobooks would have something you will be interested in? Librivoxes are available as RSS feeds, you can subscribe as a podcast and listen in exactly the same way. There are some comrades on there reading leftist works. french, italian. And there is advanced search so you can limit by genre etc.

    On youtube you could start looking for speeches of great leftists & anti imperialists and follow the recs from there.