A place to discuss politics and commentary. Self posts are preferred, but links
to current events and news are allowed. Opinion pieces are welcome! No self
promotion please. The intent is for this community to be an area for open &
respectful discussion on current political issues, news & events. Rule 1:
civility, no insults or personal attacks / be kind Please abide by Lemmy world’s
terms of service [https://legal.lemmy.world/tos/#content-policy-rules-for-users]
(attacks on other users, privacy, discrimination, etc), and up/downvote based on
contribution to discussion, not whether you agree or disagree.
Rules are still evolving, but right now I’m just aiming for a community for civil discourse …if such a thing is possible in politics. !politicaldiscussion@lemmy.world
well it’s not only for US particularly. I just created it because there actually doesn’t exist a single community (at least on LW, I haven’t searched the entire fediverse) to discuss politics, US or global. /c/politics doesn’t currently allow top level posts for discussion or self posts because it is difficult to keep civility.
I’d like to try to curtail the personal attacks and bickering with some good rules and guidelines, but I’m not sure it will go anywhere.
Old reddit like <2014 use to be a reasonable place where people all along the political spectrum could discuss policy. That’s really no longer an option because most communities/moderators just don’t want to deal with that, unfortunately that only makes the problem worse…
Oh great, another American politics community. Just what the internet needs, another bunch of bickering infants
well it’s not only for US particularly. I just created it because there actually doesn’t exist a single community (at least on LW, I haven’t searched the entire fediverse) to discuss politics, US or global. /c/politics doesn’t currently allow top level posts for discussion or self posts because it is difficult to keep civility.
I’d like to try to curtail the personal attacks and bickering with some good rules and guidelines, but I’m not sure it will go anywhere.
Old reddit like <2014 use to be a reasonable place where people all along the political spectrum could discuss policy. That’s really no longer an option because most communities/moderators just don’t want to deal with that, unfortunately that only makes the problem worse…
if you have a global icon/banner suggestion I’m open for it. Honestly I just had a hard time finding something that represented ‘general poltics’