I came across this recipe for basic white bread (what the recipe called it), is a nice sandwich bread. Not to crumby and firm pain in taste. But it’s easy and cheap to make.
I didn’t take pictures but used the dough from the other loaf to make cinnamon rolls, got ate too quickly.
Also, curious to what everyone uses to keep their recipes? I use Gourmand Recipe Manager and a binder of printed recipes worth keeping.
Paprika app is very good. Strips off the SEO life story, stores locally, can scale recipes, holds your phone out of lock while it’s open if you want it to, and a lot more.
I use Paprika, I like how it can strip recipes off websites so I can save and organize them without having to read about how this was the favorite soup of the authors dead grandmother and they make it for their kids every holiday to keep the memory alive.
So yea, Paprika.