Should be able to power my ic-7000 for almost 2 hours of continuous tx at 100w. Now to install it in my POTA pack.

    • @LB8EIOP
      110 months ago

      Don’t know about any pressure. They are charged up and working right now

        • @LB8EIOP
          210 months ago

          Thanks. Got to make a clamp for the batteries then.

            • @LB8EIOP
              310 months ago

              I looked at the spec sheet and it seems that just taping the cells together like that should provide necessary support for all but the outer sides.

              A clamp wouldn’t hurt, but probably give me negligible benefits in the projected lifetime of this pack. I’m not using this very often so the pack will age out before charge wear will be an issue. Say I get 300 charge cycles over 10 years, that would be heavy use for my radio pack.

              • Jason - VE3MAL
                110 months ago

                I would look at fabbing up a box that fits snugly, rather than “clamping” them. That could protect against puncture as well. A 3d print or thin plywood glued together would be fine.

                • @LB8EIOP
                  110 months ago

                  I was looking into that. Good idea.

  • @LB8EIOP
    14 months ago

    It’s all aliexpress. Liitokala batteries and the BMS just looked nice

  • @667
    14 months ago

    I suspect that’s a little BMS there attached to the side? Where did you get your cells? And the circuit board? I like the size factor. At 32aH it seems much smaller than my Bioenno 20aH.