I kinda wish i knew what waa good and not, so bot settled. Feels like theres so much out there beyond clothes but no way to know what works.
If you like something wear it with pride. The confidence of being happy in your clothes will pull just about anything off.
Still trying to find it. My entire life I was shorts and t-shirt or jeans and sweatshirt guy. I’m working on dressing mored “adult.”
I’m always experimenting, I get bored doing the same thing for too long.
I’m pretty much settled. Basketball shorts and a t-shirt while working from home. Jeans or cargo shorts with a t-shirt and Hawaiian shirt when I go out. Easy and comfy.
I’m pretty settled, but I try to change it up once each decade, and I’m probably due to refresh my look.
Mostly settled. I make the occasional purchase to replace something that’s worn out or to fill in a seasonal gap, and when I do I try to be a little experimental.
I wear classic jacket and tie stuff for work and American workwear when I’m home.
I was born with my style!