• ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Okay…but could Vatican City help the situation by opening its doors to Migrants from Mexico? Are they able to house them, provide them food and water, provide them medical care, provide them child care and education for their unvaccinated children, and promise them jobs to sustain themselves long-term? Can they justify raising the taxes on the working class of their own people to pay for these migrants? They’ll probably need to raise taxes on big businesses. This will probably result in big business raising their prices to recoup their losses from paying higher taxes. They probably won’t be able to take it out of other areas, because minimum wage is always increasing as cost of production often increases, too, for most companies. Then those companies will be selling overpriced products to the inhabitants of that country, with people about to riot over how expensive everything has become; especially food, for example. Some might say it’s not that big of a deal, but the money to support a new, huge, group of people has to come from somewhere. Does Italy have the money to fund all of that?

    Some of our nation’s homeless might have better treatment if they crossed the border to Mexico and then turned around, and crossed it again, as a migrant.

    Instead of encouraging so many people to run from a country that can’t protect its people, or provide for them, why can’t other nations take a stand against that country’s government and intervene? It’s going to cause civil unrest to push a huge group of people from one country into another, where the language and culture are different. Avoid all of that, have America, and other nations intervene to improve Mexico so people won’t be risking their lives to cross the border, and causing mass outrage here, in America.

      • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I’m actually a democrat. I would just like to see solutions presented in political discussion rather than constant criticism. It leads nowhere to just turn the spotlight on those who want to give their criticisms. I want solutions. The same problems from migrants, to Gaza, have been floating around the political toilet bowl for decades and every so often someone famous throws in their two cents and receives a pat on the back for criticizing the way things are. Yes, things are bad. Now less talk, more action. Fix it.

          • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            So when the Red Cross creates shelters for hurricane victims in the Southern and Eastern States, do you call them traffickers, and fascists? Sometimes people deserve to have a safer option on where they live.

            Also, cussing out an internet stranger and calling her a fascist makes you look unstable.

              • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                No, that isn’t my solution. I never said they would be shipped. They aren’t being shipped to America. They have seen an opportunity and have migrated here themselves. If Italy offered an opportunity, then they would probably migrate there, as well. They wouldn’t dare stow away on a boat to mainland China and demand that their country care for them, and provide for them. Many countries have laws against illegal immigration. America does, too, but no one respects the laws in America. Everyone picks and chooses which laws they want to demand be enforced and they want herd immunity for the ones they break. Migrants could cross the border with a passport and ask for asylum. That wouldn’t be illegal immigration.

                  • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Hey, look an unhinged Lemmy reader who is taking his anger out on me for having an opinion. If you treat people like this when you aren’t hiding behind a screen, I hope someone uses screenshots of your responses to help you find the anger management you seem to need.

                    I happen to know quite a bit about asylum seeking. I have sought asylum in Ireland in the past. Doing so required a passport. It also requires being fingerprinted because you ARE technically breaking the law. You’re required to overstay your passport limits while the application is being processed. I am guessing you have never applied for asylum in a foreign country.

                    When Americans are upset over UNDOCUMENTED migrants, they are referring to people who are crossing the border illegally, without a passport. Entering the United States as a non-citizen, without a passport IS a crime.

                    My apologies for making a typo, but if that typo bothers you, how are you going to handle a group of migrants who can’t write the English language? You don’t seem like a patient and understanding person. I hope these migrants aren’t forced to take up residence near you.