• @ham_bitiousM
    31 year ago

    Seems like it’s not too hard to make. Maybe I need at get on APRS…

      • @ham_bitiousM
        21 year ago

        I just worry that if I set one up I’ll decide I need a way to transmit APRS and buy a PicoAPRS or some other radio I don’t really need.

          • @ham_bitiousM
            31 year ago

            oh, there are definitely cheaper options out there, that one is just so cute.

  • @w0odlOPA
    21 year ago

    Built one of these about a year ago because I couldn’t get an APRS signal in the valley I live in. Mostly built for fun and to experiment with APRS. Great instructions and even had a few great chats with Reg (VA7ZEB) about updating the build.