Usually when someone is venting at me, I feel like I should respond somehow and say something, but I have no idea what that something could/should be. Is it better to just listen or try to comfort them in some way?

    2 years ago

    I think it’s generally best to just empathize and validate their feelings. My go to is “that sounds really frustrating” or just repeat back their feelings. I’d in their vent they say they are sad, repeat back “that seems like it would be sad”

    Depending on you’re relationship with them, I think you can first validate, but then ask “what are you going to do” or “how are you going to handle it”

    You can also ask “are you just wanting to vent or do you also want advice”

    But unsolicited advice is rarely appreciated. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and everyone things everyone else’s stinks.