Throughout history, radio technologies haven’t just influenced how we consume news and entertainment. They’ve also played an essential role in the communication strategies of soldiers and military groups, particularly during wartime.

  • @ham_bitious
    31 year ago

    Communications have been important since people started making armies. Plenty of battles and wars would have gone differently if messages could have been passed faster. Wireless has only gotten more critical since WWI.

    I suppose this war has just shown the importance of radio and brought it to people’s attention. There’s an interesting podcast, From the Crow’s Nest, that talks about radio (and electromagnetic stuff in general) in the modern military.

    • @w0odlOPMA
      11 year ago

      Yea, interesting to see how they both use it to their advantage and apparent disadvantage. Also, can’t go anywhere without a baofang I guess.

      I’ll have to check that podcast out.