Finally mounted the 10MHz OCXO in a box. Now when I go do microwaves, I should be on frequency. 🥳

Now I have to set up the 10GHz system and look for the local beacons to see how it works.

  • @NI6V
    11 year ago

    This has led me down a rabbit hole. Now I am thinking I may need an GPSDO NTP server with a 10MHz sine input fed with a rhodium frequency standard. I want all my logs to be picosecond accurate. :) Mostly just because I can.

    • @ham_bitiousOPM
      21 year ago

      If you’re looking for time accuracy, then a GPS is the answer. I’d imagine the time you receive from the GPS satellites is accurate enough. My 10MHz reference is for frequency accuracy in microwave systems.

      And there’s always WWV/WWVH if you need a signal on 10MHz :D

      • @NI6V
        21 year ago

        Yeah for most people time accuracy can be had with a stratum 3 NTP server. In this case I was looking at your project for my HackRF. But it leads down that rabbit hole of should I go overkill and use rhodium vs an OXCO, then that lead down the rabbit hole of NTP servers with multiple disciplines. :)