Don’t flirt with me, I kept the quartz crystals in different drawers to measure for accuracy.
You think my username just came from nowhere?
Don’t flirt with me, I kept the quartz crystals in different drawers to measure for accuracy.
You think my username just came from nowhere?
Separate your devices, at least 3 feet apart.
Believe it or not, they use the same radio frequencies.
The technical term is called:
I don’t play games, I make them.
Wanna play a game?
Thank you, I try my best!
Ronnie? The one and only, missing two fingers?
Yes I already stated that I don’t care to carry on any more banter with you. But I don’t mind civilized conversation.
No, I don’t have any children of my own, but I’ll defend every child out there as if they were mine.
Dude shouldn’t be waving his flesh flag like that. He’s good god fucking damn he’s lucky enough to encounter me, rather than someone with a gun…
The photo wasn’t taken in the restroom, I didn’t have my phone with me while I went to piss and wash the dog bowl out.
Photo of what I had was taken later, after I was so rudely encountered with a pervert dick.
Do you people really assume everyone carries a phone up their ass to public restrooms?
I don’t want to though. For some dumb reason, I almost like you.
I really do hope you’ve had a good day.
You are an interesting individual, I shall observe you for spare organs in the future. Our dog is hungry…
Bruh, I only got So Many Heads to hit this bong…
Fine, I’ll pass you a hit!
Oddly yet simply enough, it’s labeled as top shelf leather. Genuine leather is the cheap shit believe it or not.
Check your local boot repair shop. Shit ain’t cheap.
I really don’t care to carry on this banter with you, but when all I got is a knife, spiked watch band, and dog food bowl, against a rapist’s dick, what you think I’m gonna do?
At least I let the dude walk away with his balls.
I have never used that sequence of words in my entire life.
Go ahead, try to quote me. I’ve never said that.
Custom made, cost me like $70, top shelf leather.
I have plenty of spare material though!
Yo, I already reported my own self to the mods of the community here.
Sorry if not everyone understands, but I figured I’d get a little more props for not getting fucked in the ass.
Nobody was harmed, neither me nor the pervert, but things could have went way worse.
I hope you have a good day breadsmasher, because I really don’t like blocking people.
I literally did walk away.
You sound like a really classy individual that makes all the assumptions.
I didn’t even pull a weapon, I just needed to rinse my knife after opening our dog food. So what I used my knife to open the bottom of the can.
Only working water faucet was in the restroom, where apparently the pervert was waiting.
Why are you so nosy about this? I defended myself, with words, would you like to know how long his dick was?
After? You need to get the order of operations in order, dude had his dick out and moaning first.
My knife was already open, not because of him, but because I needed to rinse it off.
Coincidence I guess you might call it. Dude wanted to fuck me in the ass, and I just so happened to have an open knife.
Congrats, you’re Opponent #1