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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • The problem is that those issues have, and continue to, cause damage to the Linux project. Good maintainers have been hounded out, or simply given up, and bad blood exists where it absolutely shouldn’t. You’re right that much of it is political, although that usually stems from deep technical differences backed up by corporate encouragement. Political turmoil can be as damaging, if not moreso, than technical differences. At least technical differences can usually be resolved technically, politics is infinitely more nuanced.

    From Marcan’s description, the way certain people treated him was absolutely unacceptable, although I’ve no doubt they’d describe things very differently. I hope the whole kernel team, maintainers and contributers, can find a way to work through these differences and work more harmoniously before more members end up burnt out, frustrated and bitter.

  • I was making a distinction between ‘the people’ in general, and ‘the jury’. The people can, and should, consider the ethics of the law, and act appropriately. In less extreme cases that might involve encouraging your local legislator to push for changes in the law. We’ve seen the results in more extreme cases. Juries on the other hand should judge the case in front of them on its facts, rather than their feelings about the defendant and their actions. We’ve seen the results of juries not doing so, with lynch mobs getting away without consequence, and other defendants being found guilty for the color of their skin.

    As to your point regarding the problem of those in power simply ignoring the law, you’re right, that is a problem, and one which I doubt will be solved without extreme action. It is, of course, possible that in four years this gang will peacefully hand over to a less criminal administration, but I’m not confident of that. Even if they do, rebuilding trust in the concept of the law being applied equally and fairly will be a massive, and long term, challenge.

    This is supposed to be uplifting news though, so let us hope that his defence can find a compelling argument and the jury can find him not guilty without recourse to tactics that might make the overall situation worse.

  • Fair point, so maybe take a view on whether they’ve turned up with heavy machinery or just kidnap cars. In the OP’s case they don’t have time to prep, so they’re going to have to play things as they are. If you’re in a situation like this and do have time, you could find better ways to be able to blockade the road as needed. The blockage doesn’t need to last very long, even delaying their entry by minutes might give more people time to escape. Blocking their way out slows this operation and the next one. Once people know they’re in the area they lose the element of surprise.

  • Yeah, I don’t think he gets a pass by blaming his behaviour on mental health issues, but a lot of people bring it up. I watch people like him, and I’m fairly convinced they don’t have the principals to actually, deep down, be Nazis, they’re too vain, too self-centred and too desperate for power of any sort. That doesn’t mean they won’t fly that particular flag if they think it’ll bring them what they want, or that they wont cheer on the harm it brings to others if they think it gets them closer to power. Functionally, you can treat them as Nazis, traitors and whatever else they align themselves with. With luck they will reap the consequences of that.

  • Could I offer an alternative viewpoint? I don’t know if it’s true, and if it is I don’t know if it’s better or worse. His style of ‘music’ holds no interest for me, and I know nothing more than what I have read about him, so I could be wildly off base.

    As many have pointed out, he might well have a mental health issue, but is it not also possible that he is, and always has been, just totally amoral and has seen which way the wind is blowing? He seems to have sonewhat list relevance recently, and fixating on, and loudly proclaiming your hatred of, a chosen ‘other’ group may seem like a good way to get back into the centre of attention and curry favour with those in power.

    I don’t think that would be any better than him being a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi, as functionally it means he is one, but might explain a rapid appearance his Nazism.

  • Dear friend,

    My profuse appologies for falling out of communication recently, strange and dreadful events have been occuring that have kept me from such pleasures.

    You see, I fell prey to a terrible darkness, a strange and compelling fugue state overtook me and lead me to partaking in the strange and unwholesome rituals involving, as I was lead to believe, a more than mearly symbolic ‘clensing’ before changing my garb entirely. I then felt some dread force overtake me completely and, though my mind rebeled, I fell unconcious, overwhealmed entirely by that force that seemed to drag me down to some unquiet realm of darkness where I could not move and only dimly understood the strange and disjoint visions shown to me.

    It was only moments ago that I struggled back to conciousness, the darkness seemingly miraculously past, although I still feel it’s aweful tentacles slithering through the margins of my mind. The memories of what I saw and heard in that most grim swoon seem to be fading like the mists that burn off in the sun. I know not what entity it was that inflicted such trials upon me, nor to what end they did so, but it is my desperate hope that it will not hapoen again.

    I once again beg your forgiveness for not answering your previous communication, and look forward most earnestly to seeing you at your earliest convenience as I am certain your company and an elixier of those fine beans you have bern so prudent in collecting and treating would drive the last vestiges of the darkness from my mind.

    Yours etc…

    (I was tired and didn’t sleep well, fancy grabbing a coffee this morning)

  • (In the ‘Churchgoer’ slide I think you have the wrong year on the bit about ICE)

    One group you’ve missed that I think can do a lot of good are what you might call ‘Interference’. Basically finding ways to make the system less efficient and effective. The resistance manual that’s been going round has some ideas, but there’s also basic stuff that can gum up the processes they use to be evil.

    If they start a tip line to identify a certain class of individual, send them tips. Lots of tips. Make them plausible so they have to divert time and energy to investigting them.

    If you see an official vehicle when you’re travelling, obstruct it as much as could plausibly not be deliberate. Drive slowly and brake harder than you need to. In fact, do that anytime you can cause a nuisance.

    Slow productivity anywhere you can. If you have to interact with a business that supports the oligarcy, do everything you can to reduce their efficiency. Call them repeatedly for minor things and talk for as long as possible. Place orders and then cancel them after they’ve started fulfilment. Return things.

    Be sand in the cogs of the system without exposing yourself to direct physical danger. None of these things will end the threat on their own, but they make it easier for others to resist and add up if many people do them. If you’re working online use protection. A good, ideally foreign and non-logging, VPN helps, TOR also helps, but you should always assume these things c`n be compromised, so stack them.

  • The difficulty comes with defining shooting someone, who isn’t an obvious immediate threat, as legitimate. If there’s a plausible way to do that, it should be the core of his defense, if there isn’t you’re asking the jury to let him off just because you don’t like the guy who was killed.

    I hope his defense team can find a way to show that he acted in self defense against the harm the company were doing to him. That would be a plausible reason for the jury to find him not guilty, not set a precedent for letting murderers go free, and send a suitable warning to other CEOs.

  • I agree with what you are saying, but this is not a precident you want to set. Jurys are supposed to consider whether the defendant broke the law, not whether they agree with the ethics of the action. Too many miscarriages of justice have occured for ‘vibes’ to be an acceptable way to judge these things.

    I would rather see his defence mount a case around self-defence or something of that nature (the CEO was harming Luigi or his family for instance) so that the jury have a reason to say he was within the law.