Never trust someone with two first names. Been following that advice my entire life and I’ve yet to find an exception, they’re always a piece of shit and usually prove that very quickly.
Never trust someone with two first names. Been following that advice my entire life and I’ve yet to find an exception, they’re always a piece of shit and usually prove that very quickly.
Been getting mixed reception with the Bellamy Salute … probably because this is fucking serious.
Even IF we were to give him the benefit of the doubt, the Bellamy Salute was abandoned specifically because of the Nazi use of a similar salute. AND that salute is older than Musk, so there’s no history to claim there. Combined with his recent public praise and support of the far-right parties in Germany specifically, it really leads to one conclusion.
Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt despite all of that, and maybe claim that he’s trying to “take back” a previous American flag salute to make it American again… it reminds me of the this scene from Clerks 2 (NSFW - language). Elon is most definitely not the person that can bring that salute back.
Did they? Or did Apple and Google pull the app because the law went into affect today and Trump isn’t actually president yet. All they had at the beginning of the day was a one day promise from Biden to not enforce it.
Tencent happen to own large portions of nearly every video game company on the planet to start with, and a ton of other large companies, 600+ of them in fact. Large enough positions to directly affect board decisions if they wanted to. And that assumes overt sudden changes and not more subtle things.
That won’t stop Apple and Google from keeping it pulled from app stores until things are more concrete.
TikTok only blocked access and put that notice up in the app after their partners decided that a statement from the outgoing administration 24 before the transition wasn’t enough for them to not comply with the law.
Yeah. You might want to look into some other foreign owned companies as well. Tencent owns a metric shit ton of “American” companies for instance, I bet there’s several on that list that would surprise you.
No it won’t. Biden is already out of office as far as normies are concerned. He has been since the election, but definitely within 24 hours of inauguration. TikTok stops working and the next thing they see is Trump having a huge party with a shit ton of pomp and circumstance for his inauguration as he gets into the White House. And then TikTok still doesn’t work when they open it up. Maybe he brings it back, maybe he doesn’t. Voters don’t pay enough attention to separate his inauguration and the TikTok ban happening 24 hours apart, they’ll bundle it together as one event.
Unless he gets a massive cash infusion from Bytedance in the next 24 hours, he won’t give TikTok an extension on day one in office. He’s the kind of person that expects his payment up front.
So everyone will instead see it stop working as President Trump takes over, and then it continuing to not work after. Some may give him the benefit of the doubt, but they weren’t ever going to vote for anyone else anyway, he’s their God Emperor President and they’ve confirmed their world view around him being perfect.
Heck, he might try to spin it as some sort of promotional opportunity for Truth Social.
Not sure why you think it’s an own goal. Biden didn’t set the day for it to take effect, that was written into the law by Congress. You could say it was an own goal because Biden announced he wasn’t going to enforce it, but that seems to be the opposite of what you’re trting to claim And even with that decision to not enforce the law for 1 day before the Trump admin takes over, none of the companies TikTok works with like Apple or Google to list it in the app stores gave a shit about that lack of enforcement because of the uncertainty.
Not to mention Trump being the start of the ban in the first place. He was President when all of this started to work it’s way through the process, even if Biden was the President when it actually made it through Congress, with bipartisan support. Trump only changed positions because he wants TokTok to pay him to continue to allow it to continue.
I mean… That just proves my point.
The feds told them to stop, but they were taking bets on it.
Any bets on the bribe amount? I’m sure some place is taking bets. Vegas will bet on anything.
Here’s a couple ideas for dealing with the housing crisis situation, one of the primary causes of the homeless issues in the first place. Since all we ever seem to do is fail at handling symptoms instead of of causes.
But none of this will happen. Because the oligarchs have their money invested in real estate holdings that don’t move or get and use, so they require little to no maintenance. It’s a large reason why half of NYC looks like a shit hole with boarded up retail spots for decades while a cupboard under the stars costs $1800/mo to rent.
Simple, they don’t have any direct competition.
Microsoft and Sony are competing against each other and Nintendo is doing their own thing, they always have. Nintendo won the console wars of their time, and now just does their own thing. Sony and Microsoft waded in and created a new console war and Nintendo hasn’t tried to compete against them, but they sell record numbers of devices every year doing it.
When was the last time Nintendo released hardware just to compete, rather than to innovate in a way they wanted to move forward, regardless of the other companies? Nintendo sits on their bubble printing money doing whatever they want and their customers of all ages, hardcore and casual, keep coming back for more every year. Meanwhile everyone else fights around them for a different set of “gamer” customers, and the title goes back and forth.
Rednote isn’t trying to attract foreign users. It’s only blowing up because of the imminent app ban affecting TikTok, same as other apps like Lemon8.
As a person that have played Genshin since the launch. Those are all loot boxes. Just because it’s limited or has a pity system, that doesn’t change the fact. It just limits the results or gives you a guarantee
If you are taking a chance at all to get something from a list of items, as opposed to selecting a specific item to buy, IT IS A LOOT BOX.
The specifics of limits or pity systems, or guarantees after X amount do not matter. The slot machines in Vegas have a fixed and regulated chance to payout as well, it’s still gambling.
Gacha is a type of loot box.
You aren’t purchasing a specific item when you spend money. If there’s any sort of chance involved with that purchase it’s a loot box.
Sugar itself doesn’t, I’ve never seen a study showing an actual link between the two. It’s instead excitement to getting something special, not the sugar causing a chemical reaction. Causation and correlation are different.
There is actual evidence of some dyes causing behavioral issues in some children.
Country borders are just lines on a map. They don’t exist in the real world.
If only everyone was able to experience the overview effect, a lot of our issues could potentially fix themselves.
It’s gotten to the point where you need to have an attorney on retainer just to get real answers from these companies. Instead of saying you’ll get an attorney to the underpaid customer service rep with no power who can’t care less and people threaten legal actions with no follow through constantly… an actual attorney sending a letter calling the company out for their failure to address your issues gets you put into a separate system where they know you actually have representation they want to avoid.
Those monthly retainer services are surprisingly cheap too if you just need something verified or a notice sent once in a while. Many companies even offer discounted legal retainer services as part of their benefits packages.
In universe it’s supposed to like strengthen cell membranes.
Since a lot of issues stem from cell membranes being pierced, damaged, etc. that should be fairly generally effective. Especially as a first step to try against an unknown.