Nah, just trying to provide context. It might change your mind, it might reinforce your beliefs, I don’t have an agenda. Just extra content to make informed comments.
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Nah, just trying to provide context. It might change your mind, it might reinforce your beliefs, I don’t have an agenda. Just extra content to make informed comments.
€3k for a 5090. That’s $3.1k. Not worth it!
I’m not defending anyone, don’t shoot the messenger. Feel free to downvote me if that makes you feel better though.
Usually this means the ball part is stuck and/or the ink surrounding it has dried out.
Here’s a close up of how they work:
If no ink gets transfered unto the ball, it’s not able to write anything.
. You guys are why we keep this blog going and I appreciate every single one of you, despite the jagweeds who keep crying to me about how I’m glorifying animal abuse, because obvz they don’t know the whole story
Also, the cat died in 2019.
You should read the FAQ on that page, they talk about the cat’s chonkness
Do you have a link or something to further dig into this?
I think we all knew this was coming though, considering Reddit is still popular to find specific answers that SEO riddled adware websites won’t be able to give.
Unironically, I dislike the 196 stuff. It’s kinda like shitposting, but at least with shitposting you have standards. Just posting anything for the sake of posting something makes me tune out such communities due to the noise.
Considering there’s at least 4 different 196 communities, I understand I am very much in the minority and this is an unpopular opinion.
Good luck trying to convince gamers not to buy a (insanely marketed) game. Remember MW2?
It’s true that it’s mirrored, but the difference is that Golden Hour is after the sun has risen, and before the sun has set. Before sunrise it’s Blue, and after sunset it’s also Blue. Here’s a visualisation:
I figured OP just mentally attributed it to a difference between sunrise and sunset based on their experience so far, so I didn’t mention it initially.
Nope, you’re absolutely right. These time windows are called “Golden Hour” and “Blue Hour” and are one of the basic principles to keep in mind and use in photography.
Here’s a page explaining things a bit more:
Original picture:
The fake story doesn’t add anything nor does it hurt anyone (except maybe the truth), but I was curious to see the original image
Edit: linked the post instead of the image itself
Ah yes, gambling with just enough fairness to keep you gambling.
You can ask them if you want. I’ll post a screenshot next time to avoid confusion, sorry.
Exactly, but I found out that if you read the Chinese version (google translated link) then the content is very different.
This not only answers my original question, but also highlights the irony that we trust English Wikipedia pages over social media comments, but not Chinese Wikipedia pages over social media comments.
I was hoping someone with more knowledge about Wikipedia and how language-specific pages are vetted can help figure this one out.
Doesn’t the wiki say the same thing, that it’s considered a myth? English page instead of chinese:
Edit: trying to translate bits and it seems the pages are very different. I assumed different language versions of a page on Wikipedia are more or less the same, but that does not seem to be the case here
Remember what happened before the 2012 report?
The 2010 suicides prompted 20 Chinese universities to compile an 83-page report on Foxconn, which they described as a “labor camp”. Interviews of 1,800 Foxconn workers at 12 factories found evidence of illegal overtime and failure to report accidents. The report also criticized Foxconn’s management style, which it called inhumane and abusive. Additionally, long working hours, discrimination towards Mainland Chinese workers by their Taiwanese coworkers, and a lack of working relationships were all presented as potential problems in the university report.
They installed nets as one way to address the problem.
No, someone just posted a nice summary. I usually reverse image search posts on here to find sources and additional info.
This page shows the reports:
If you want the LinkedIn post I can dig that up too, lmk
A feature like this would be very helpful. Thinking of onboarding new users, you’ll want to be able to give them an experience that eases them into things.
A custom feed that allows new members to see a variety of the best that Lemmy has to offer would be a good start. Then, when they are comfortable with the platform and its dynamics, they can customise it further, or swap the newbie feed for their own custom filter (which practically would come down to community subscriptions, I suppose?)
Now instead of making this comment very long, I’ll put in an video game anology to make it a bit more digestible:
What we need is a tutorial area that showcases all the different things that the Lemmy endgame has to offer. Creating memes, sharing news, the art of shitposting, being a lurker, actual discussions vs just scrolling to see the funnies: all these things are enjoyed by different types of people, and before they can reclass and enjoy the wild open world of Lemmy, it would be good for them to get comfortable with the controls and settings in a relative safe space.