So you don’t have an answer, just snark. Even in the US, companies pay different rates based on the local cost of living. Where are your posts crying about that?
They make more money suing farmers for accidentally growing patented crops from natural seed dispersal mechanisms.
If they’re underpaid, why do they take the job?
Ok, I’m looking at the fire.
Now this would be like eating things but you’ve had your stomach and intestines removed. Then your analogy works. But it’s a pretty stupid analogy.
If you just want to do things for the sake of doing things so you can say you’ve done things, even though absolutely nothing materially changed. Typical you.
Republicans obviously feel that way. They made it perfectly clear by all the voter suppression tactics they employed across the board. They’ve even basically admitted in certain quotes that this is the case. Starting to appear like you haven’t been paying attention.
It’s how party members voted for a bill
That would have just been superseded by the next admin
I still use UseNet. Almost as often as I use faxes.
If they make some money from harmless icons, I mean, I can live with it
I thought that was millennials. What’s the latest thing MSM claims they’ve ruined now?
What’s the use case for case sensitive file names
Hey y’all, at least Gaza is saved, right? Take that, Kamala! Haha! Both sides are the same! All of this definitely would have happened under Kamala, it’s so obvious! Two wings of the same bird amirite?!
Hey y’all, at least Gaza is saved, right? Take that, Kamala! Haha! Both sides are the same! All of this definitely would have happened under Kamala, it’s so obvious! Two wings of the same bird amirite?!
Really looking forward to see steamos on a workstation 😁❤️
They dgaf about us. Their Enterprise clients are their cash cows. But we are rid of their fleas nonetheless
I used this to finally shake a creationist friend. There’s a video on YouTube of finding this nerve in a giraffe cadaver.