The brand I am using is yeesterpaste. It was at microcenter. It has a little practice pad which was helpful. Turns out my gut feeling was not quite enough. But I may have been a little over zealous with the real one lol.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
The brand I am using is yeesterpaste. It was at microcenter. It has a little practice pad which was helpful. Turns out my gut feeling was not quite enough. But I may have been a little over zealous with the real one lol.
Thanks! It probably looks odd because of the lighting and angle. My room has an overhead light that’s to the right, but I was using a magnetic flashlight to help on the left. Also, this is through a mesh panel. I think you can sort of tell if you look at the black heat sink (not the CPU one). It sort of gives a pattern over the image, but it’s so out of focus you can’t see it.
You will have one glassware and still call it your favorite Tupperware
That’s because it sounds infinitely better than LibreOffice lol
If you agree this isn’t review bombing, what the fuck are you even arguing about??? 🙄 It’s not external. It’s the game crashing. External would be something like “I don’t like this company’s CEO so I’m giving it a bad review.”
If they’re selling the game somewhere right now (like GOG) and it doesn’t run on your computer then it’s perfectly acceptable to give it a review rating of “Not Recommended”
I’m not going to discuss this any more. This is a perfectly acceptable review of the game. Seeing mixed or negative scores for recent reviews is important for potential buyers. Ubisoft has made patches for other games affected by this but not this one. This is not review bombing.
The lengths people go to prevent cheating in single player games is astonishing. I’m really glad Paradox finally allows achievements on modded installs of their games.
Really makes you feel like
Well it certainly doesn’t make you feel like a trucker.
Is the game supposed to work on Windows? Does it?
I just installed EndeavourOS on a virtual machine to see what it was like. I can confirm, it’s easy. It’s definitely similar to other distros. Didn’t feel like Arch at all.
I got a decade old question closed as a duplicate.
No, I’m the main character! I’ve got colorful, spiky hair to prove it!
Fuzzing inputs? That’s just convulsing. Buffer overflow? It’s called a cramp. Stop hurting yourself! 🥺
Lol, what if the real world has infinite resources but only the simulation we are in has things like the absence of perpetual energy because otherwise the system would crash 🤣
Unless there is additional context like how to communicate with the outside world there’s not really reason to change anything. Even if the life I love and the bonds I’ve created are “fake” it doesn’t mean they’re not worthwhile.
But if it’s something like the controllers of the simulation are actively making things worse or refusing to improve things then that’s different.
It’s literally not external.
You may find this video fascinating. I didn’t realize how much of it would be about radio technology. It’s about Amelia Earhart’s last flight and how she navigated and stuff. Really interesting.
What state is the game currently in for these users? Not working. Why would they recommend it?
Yes, it is! Good eye!