It is really quite a profound picture. All the possible interpretations of why the person is hunched over with their head in their hands. Revelation, sadness, joy all seem possible. Some art seems to always evoke the same emotion in those that view it while this, I imagine, evokes the strongest emotion the viewer has at the time of seeing it. Regardless you then wonder why has no one around them noticed? Do they care? If the flame above their heads is enlightenment then does enlightenment come with a lack of empathy?
Sorry, I just really like this piece apparently.
Reminds me of The Monumental monks from Demon’s Souls
Came here to say this.
The feeling when all your friends are gooners and you can’t keep up
HOLY SHIT that artist is awesome!!
Getting SFW Shintaro Kago vibes from this fellow.
It’s dark, it’s tragic, it’s mysterious, it reminds me of the matrix. I love it.
Reverse demons souls nexus
My biggest lore question was if the rest of them were annoying smartasses too
when you’re in a glowing cum dripping from the ceiling competition and yours is fastest so you win